• MegaCryptoPolis Adds Public Transportation

    Any urban center, even a virtual one, needs transportation options, and MegaCryptoPolis will add those in an upcoming update. A big update scheduled to launch on Tuesday, will add mobility improvements. With no fewer than seven different modes of transportation added, Citizens should have no trouble finding a way to get around the city. This […]
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  • Devikins NFT Character Sale Tomorrow

    MoonLabs Studios will have their first NFT sale for the tactical RPG Devikins tomorrow, Tuesday September 7th. Through the pre-sale gamers can acquire the NFT characters, which are stored on the Tron blockchain. Players will need to use DVK tokens to acquire the game characters. Update: NFT sale postponed to September 8th, 3PM UTC, due […]
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  • MegaCryptoPolis Launches Missions for Casual Players

    City building virtual world MegaCryptoPolis is doing everything it can to attract casual gamers, and now they will introduce missions. These missions are part of their virtual world, which goes beyond building gameplay. Supposedly these missions will be played from a first-person perspective. Currently, players need to invest some money to participate in the MegaCryptoPolis, […]
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  • Lindsay Lohan Launching NFTs on Tron Blockchain

    Hollywood celebrity Lindsay Lohan will continue her career in NFT collectibles on the Tron blockchain. She’ll be speaking about the announcement later today in a Clubhouse conversation together with Justin Sun. Lohan dropped NFT art on Rarible earlier this month, after which the actress openly promoted Ethereum, Bitcoin and Tron. Lindsay Lohan will make her […]
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  • MegaCryptoPolis Moving from Tron to Polygon

    MegaCryptoPolis is migrating its gaming map from the Tron blockchain to Polygon, formerly known as Matic Network. They will implement the shift in direction starting from March 3rd. According to a blog post recent changes on the Tron blockchain resulted in increased costs for running certain game mechanics. Switching from Tron to Polygon will guarantee […]
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  • MegaCryptoPolis At Dawn of Token Launch

    After some initial hiccups the city building game MegaCryptoPolis is ready for the launch of its MEGA token. The core functionality of MEGA is to cross the bridge between Ethereum and Tron, while creating liquidity through yield farming and liquidity mining. MEGA will launch on Wednesday October 28th at 2PM UTC. The team originally planned […]
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  • MegaCryptoPolis Launching MEGA Tokens

    Token launch postponed due to bug! Gamers who play the city building game MegaCryptoPolis can exchange their in-game resources for MEGA tokens from October 1st. Starting this Thursday at 2PM UTC they can create liquidity with their digital assets, stake the MEGA tokens and earn additional tokens through liquidity mining. In addition the token allows […]
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  • MegaCryptoPolis Embraces Decentralized Finance

    City building game MegaCryptoPolis has introduced new elements of decentralized finance as the game connects two different game worlds through one token. The MB Token allows transfers between the Ethereum and Tron versions of the game, without the need for the game developers to interfere. Prices can vary greatly between the two versions of the […]
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  • Blocklords Now Available in Open Beta

    Everybody is now able to play the online grand strategy game Blocklords after the developers released the open beta. The open beta follows the second closed beta that started in November 2019. Gamers can sign up on the official website using their email address, and play the game directly in their browser. Blocklords is a […]
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  • MegaCryptoPolis Paid $3.5 Million to its Players

    MegaCryptoPolis has paid out 3.5 million dollars to gamers over the past two years. According to data presented by the studio, over thirty thousand wallets on the Ethereum and Tron blockchain hold one or more assets from the city building game. Currently the game is valuated with a market cap of almost 35 thousand ETH, or 7.7 […]
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